Emails went out and booking is brisk I am told! So yay us for making sure we get tickets.
Book your seat(s) for the Reunion Dinner by clicking on the CLICK HERE! on the poster or use the link in the next paragraph.
IMPORTANT: Please complete an additional form if more than two people will be attending. Indicate on the "additional notes" section for seating.
Sign up for the Reunion Dinner and then later this week, keep an eye on your email for our weekend sign up sheet so we can start getting an idea of who wants to do what, give Michelle Pugia a heads up for the Saturday Dinner at her lovely restaurant, bookings for private or shared rooms at Forest Hall for late night capers and an excellent restorative breakfast, car pooling, and more!
We want this to be fun and accessible so book dinner at the school using the link on the form and book your flights, driving plans or staycation.