Feels like yesterday.....
Well maybe a little longer but really, 40 years ago?
So St Dominic's Weekend will be the 11th and 12th of August 2023 and this the weekend of celebrating our schooling history, and connecting with each other.
So let's try and make 2023 the year we do get together in Port Elizabeth that weekend. (And yes, so many of us live outside South Africa now that there might be a smaller gathering elsewhere but let's not get distracted...)
There is a possible calendar of events that we have including the school events as well as the out of school events that we would co-ordinate. We can do a lot or a little. Some of us might be using the weekend to visit family as well as doing the reunion. But take a look at the "About the event" page and do email back with comments and feedback. Let us know how much you want to do, what interests you to do from the list or what you would like to do. Put those thinking caps on.
Email Trinity83Reunion@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you. And do fill out the Contact form so we can keep you up to date on our plans. And share this webpage with others. Expect updates. This page will be the "official plan".
Thanks everyone! We look forward to connecting!